Welcome & Opening
Opening speeches by (live/video):
– Julia Klöckner, German Minister for Food and Agriculture (video)
– Felix Prinz Zu Löwenstein, Chairman, BÖLW
– Jan Plagge, President, IFOAM Organics Europe
Organic in Action – get inspired!
This session shows leading examples on how to transform food and farming.
Pecha kucha presentations:
– Anu Arolaakso, Project Manager, Savo Consortium for Education – “Step by step towards organic in Finnish food services”
– François Jégou, Lead Expert, BioCanteens Network – “URBACT Biocanteens: From the organic canteen to the territorial Food projects all over Europe
New EU Organic Regulation: Are you ready for it?
Announced at the end of 2011, after a long and challenging process of revision, the new EU Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 was published in June 2018.
Since then, the Commission and the Member States have been developing the secondary legislation, that is 15-18 additional legal acts which will integrate the text published in 2018. The new EU Organic Regulation will apply from 1 January 2021, even if there are currently proposals to postpone such date to 1 January 2022. This session aims at informing the organic movement sector and the actors of the control system about the main regulatory changes expected.
– Nicolas Verlet, Head of Unit Organics, DG Agriculture and Rural development, European Commission
– Marian Blom, IFOAM Organics Europe/Bionext
– Georg Eckert, President, European Organic Certifiers Council (EOCC)
– Michel Reynaud, Vice President, Ecocert
Moderator: Emanuele Busacca, Regulation Manager, IFOAM Organics Europe